The quick fox jump over the lazy dog near the bank river lalala
its useful and very important to me especially when im working in the office. I am interested in the business intelligence funtction such as power pivot in this program which i would like to try it out. Now i can edit all my emails using outlook without having me to minimize my word window. I have fallen in love with this upgrade.It has everything that i need in one place. i like most about this program is its being useful at all times for most of the time i always use microsoft word and excel for my business and personal task. i havent used Anything similare and to this, i always use microsoft office because its the easiest program although i have tried wordpad.
I have not used similar programs but microsoft office of earlier versions which was uninstalled by my children while playing with my laptop. Everybody uses it because we trust microsoft Ive always loves msword bexause its easu to use. ive used microsoft word since time immemorial. before i have used microsoft office 2007 and it was too old, i decided to change for a new one, i also got my pc reformated so everything was gone. Microsoft2010, mocrosoftword, wordoffice, I have used Microsoft Office and Word all of my life and rarely used Quicken along with Quickbooks. I will be using this for mostly college work, prehaps even freelancing news reporting or article writing. l am going to use it for my academic assignments,document creation for office projects.l also do a lot of presantation,so will use this program. i'm going to use it for creative writing, as well as a way to organize my lists of things, my favorite websites and everything else that i like.
Wil be using it a document reader basically To read word documents, edit my pictures and ddoing some powerpoint presentaions.
So, it can be use for educational purpose.So,this can enhance to do things as like viewing presentation slide and writing new slides